Friday Jun 19, 2020
In this podcast I review the facts on CoVid-19 and provide some needed perspective for people who might be worried about what their leaders are telling them to do. This is a very active field of scientific research, so information may become dated over a short period of time as new studies emerge. Many people are confused by the process of science, and its self-correcting nature. They believe that science provides proofs, and they become confused if the guidance changes. Recent evidence suggests that countries that have mandated the wearing of masks have done a much better job at containing the outbreak. Tracking of contacts, using cellphone technology, has also proven very successful in places where that is acceptable. Canada is rolling out a tracking app that you can download that will let you know if you've been in the vicinity of someone who was later diagnosed. Spending extended periods of time in close proximity to infected people who are coughing, singing, or yelling without a facemask seems to be a common route of infection.
Official Release 22/06/20
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